
I am a financial fluency advocate + holistic wealth coach who is on a mission to redefine what wealth means and who gets to build it.

As a first-generation wealth builder myself, I help clients from traditionally underrepresented communities move towards approaching money as a tool (vs. goal) and take empowered, mindful actions towards cultivating the kind of ✨WEALTH✨ that enables:

🔒 Security:
To live stress-free and have the peace of mind to ultimately clear the way for topics of more importance such as your dreams, values and purpose in life

🌞 Fulfillment:
To align the spending of your resources (money, time and energy) with your personal needs, priorities and beliefs

🦋 Autonomy:
To have the freedom, flexibility and agency to live life on the terms you want



    • Holistic Financial Wellness 360°

      If you are looking to:

      • Gain control of your current financial situation and ensure your money and accounts working as hard as they can for you

      • Build and implement a comprehensive money plan that supports the life you want — tailored to align with your situation, goals and values

      • Gain the tools, habits and baseline financial education to make certain it all sticks

      • Have ongoing support, guidance and accountability to ensure you stay on track


    • Financial Adulting
      If you are looking to gain financial fluency and get current financial situation vetted + strengthened

    • Mindful Spending + Debt Management
      If you are looking to gain control of your financial situation, develop a plan to tackle your debt and cultivate a healthier relationship with money

    • Job Quitting Preparation + Assessment
      If you are thinking about quitting your job and looking to ensure that you are doing so in a financially responsible / optimal manner

    • Transition to Freelance / Entrepreneurship 101
      If you are switching from corporate or already on your own , but are unsure of how to effectively manage your business finances and what best practices are


    Don’t see exactly what you are looking for?
    Pending your needs and goals, a customized program may be better suited.
    Reach out and let’s discuss :)



You are ready to feel empowered and confident with money (in place of anxiety, shame, guilt, or fear)


You make good money, yet you lack a grasp on where it goes + whether you are “on track”


You know there are “things” you should and could be doing, but are unsure of where to start


You have short, medium and longer-term dreams, but need a tangible plan to get there in the present



You are nervous about missing out on opportunities to grow your wealth because of knowledge gaps


You were never taught how to manage money, but you’re interested in learning how


You’ve dreamt about quitting your job / becoming more financially independent and want to know if it’s even possible


You want to reach your financial goals, but want to ensure that happiness and joy are not compromised



🔓Money as a tool, not a goal. 💰⏳⚡️💆🏻‍♀️ > 💰

My coaching practice is centered on the creation and building of meaningful wealth, which goes much beyond just being focused on a mere target net worth “number.”

My programs are designed around the following definitions:

  • Wealth = Well-being

  • Wealth = An abundance of scarce resources

  • Scarce (aka “valuable”) resources = Time, energy/mindset and money (*not just*)

  • Wealth therefore = Your own optimal balance between the three

Unlike traditional financial planners, my approach is not solely focused on just accumulating as much money as you can for the sake of it, but more about using money as a tool to:

  • Achieve your ideal equilibrium between your time and energy/mindset as well

  • Buy yourself the kind of freedom that enables you to not do the things you don’t want to do

  • Ultimately design and unlock the the life you want — one that is aligned to your broader values and personal definition of what being wealthy means to you


📐 Individualized

Personal finance is personal. There is no one size fits all approach - every client’s values, priorities, needs, wants and definition of wealth are unique.

☯️ Holistic

Financial wellness is not just about the numbers, but also about fulfillment through feeling energized / emotionally connected to your financial goals + alignment with your broader life values and how you spend your resources.

🎓 Empowering

Financial wellness = Financial literacy and fluency. It is critical that each client feels educated and confident enough to make informed decisions they feel good about.

🌱 Sustainable

The focus is on the long-term and creating both realistic + flexible infrastructure that can be built upon for a lifetime vs. a quick, short-term, temporary fix.

💞 Safety + Empathy

Complete confidentiality and support with zero judgment in a a safe space + total respect for the financial journey you have taken and are choosing to take.

✊ Inclusivity + Representation

As a Vietnamese-American woman of color, daughter of refugees and first-generation wealth builder in a space not traditionally occupied by such, I hope to create an inclusive place where others can also see themselves in the world of financial freedom and wealth too.





“At first I was hesitant of the initial cost of investing in a financial coach, but working with Jen more than paid for itself. She helped me learn about my assets, create positive habits, and develop a finance plan based on my values. I now feel empowered about money + prepared for the future. Her coaching program has had a transformative impact on my finances that will last a lifetime. Jen is fun to work with -- her upbeat, encouraging attitude always had me excited for our sessions. I highly recommend Jen!”



“Jen was absolutely incredible. Her judgment-free approach helped me to shift my mindset from viewing money as a stressful and frustrating necessity to something which I can feel excited about.

For the first time, I feel positive and in control of my money and spending, rather than it controlling me. Instead of feeling restricted in how I spend money, I am spending more thoughtfully and feel as though my money is really going towards things which add value to my life.”



“Jen is that rare balance between a financial planner and life coach that’s somewhat impossible to find. She is not a disciplinarian but something of a financial empath who tailors her coaching approach to your personal emotional and educational needs—she reads beyond the spreadsheets. The way she challenges you to pivot your thinking about money, income, wealth—and what working life can look like—is invigorating.  I highly recommend Jen overall but especially if you are considering making big changes in life—after all, she’s lived what she coaches.”



“I cannot recommend Jen’s program enough! Not only was the content incredibly informative, but her approach was unlike any other. She took the time to truly understand my values and goals, tailoring her guidance to my specific needs. Thanks to Jen, I feel empowered to take control of my finances and confidently plan for my future”



“For years I was unable to shake the immigrant scarcity mindset that my parents imparted to me. Jen not only helped me to move past that fight-or-flight response to a place of security, but also to clarify what was truly important to me and worth spending money on. Ultimately, I’m moving forward on my financial journey with a more macro view of my finances and my future goals.”



“Jen has been a true gift. She has helped me develop a healthier relationship with money, align my spending with my values, and taught me countless practical tools for long-term financial health. Our sessions were as much therapy as they were financial coaching. Jen will surely change your life as she has mine.”



“Working with Jen was one of the best decisions I made to get my finance management in order.

Jen takes a balanced approach between coach and advisor, and has created a comprehensive program that is more than just getting an Excel worksheet to plug in numbers. It is instead a holistic deep-dive that gave me visibility into where my money was going, but also clarified how I see my relationship to money, where I value spending it (and where I don’t), and how I can positively use those insights to impact my financial habits for the long-term.

Jen’s coaching has been invaluable in setting up a solid foundation and redefining how I manage my finances, and I’m excited to continue to carry on the habits I’ve developed through Jen’s program into my everyday life.”



“Before starting to work with Jen, I felt I was missing out on opportunities to grow my wealth because of knowledge gaps.

I looked forward to every session with Jen. She created a safe space to ask my beginner questions and she gave me action items every week towards making changes to how I was managing my money. Over the course of the 12 weeks, I felt my confidence grow in how I treated and spoke about money— and where I was once intimidated by this whole domain, it started to become a hobby!

I am very grateful for Jen; the program was exactly what I needed, and I’m excited to continue to grow my wealth on top of the foundation I gained in the program. Looking forward to future check-ins with Jen!”



“I recently transitioned from a full-time gig to freelance work and was feeling really insecure about how to optimize finances.

Jen helped me from soup to nuts, giving me advice on how to set up the right systems for my business, how I should be maximizing my savings & tax deductions, and even how to price my own services.

With the advice, options, and simple steps Jen put in front of me, I was able to get everything in place rather quickly.

The cost of the course was nothing in comparison to the confidence I now have to run my business with no surprises. Above all, the coaching was judgment-free and really easy to understand.”